What Safety Should Be Kept While Doing Reiki Treatment with 3 Methods

Many people do Reiki treatment but most of them don’t know what safety should be kept while doing reiki treatment. so with this article, we will try to let you know about the safety Which should be kept while doing this treatment. We will also try to help you out with some methods with the help of that you can easily and smoothly do reiki treatment without any hazard.

What Safety Should Be Kept While Doing Reiki Treatment with 3 Methods

Safety while Reiki Treatment Healing :-

It is very important to protect while doing Reiki treatment. This is also necessary so that the negative energy of the one whom we are giving Reiki treatment affects us. While performing the Reiki treatment we should also wear a crystal pendant and crystal garland. By doing this, where the person doing Reiki is protected, positive energy increases inside the trap. The following three conditions should be used to protect yourself during Reiki healing time.

Safety while Reiki Treatment Healing

What Safety Should Be Kept While Doing Reiki Treatment

First method:-

Whenever you do Reiki treatment, then self-protection is very essential. So that the positive energy of the patient does not harm you. For this, one should wear a charged crystal necklace around the neck and a charged bracelet in the hands. The second must also protect oneself from Reiki symbols. 

When you do a Reiki treatment of a patient/partner, you should charge and protect yourself before that. After charging yourself, make a big symbol no.1 on your entire body and say it in your mind, protect me -3. Reiki for a while.

What Safety Should Be Kept While Doing Reiki Treatment

Second method:-

Make a big pyramid in front of you with both fingers of your straight hand. Make a big symbol no. 1 on it and say- Safe -3. Now go inside this pyramid and say- Safe -3. Stay in it for a while, and then I feel happy and say- I am safe -3.

Third method:-

Sit down in happiness. Invoke Reiki power to protect yourself. Say – I invoke Reiki power to protect myself. Hey! Reiki power flows inside me to secure me -3. Close your eyes and feel the Reiki power inside the universe. 

What Safety Should Be Kept While Doing Reiki Treatment

Feel that white light has covered me from all sides. Reiki power is constantly coming in my body -3. Now I am safe from every light – 3. Stay in this state for 10 minutes. In this way, you become safe in every way. Negative energy will not affect you.

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 With these three methods, you can protect yourself or anyone else. Even if you do not have to do Reiki treatment, you should protect yourself by any one method. So that you will be safe in every way throughout the day. These three methods are very powerful.

FAQ Related to What safety should be kept while doing reiki Treatment

What do I experience after Reiki?

Reiki is a type of therapy after which you feel very refreshing and the thing which makes it amazing is basically after the treatment or therapy you will be able to think very clearly and your thought process becomes very goal-oriented.

Why in some parts of the world reiki is also known as Reiki Usui?

As the origin country of this technique is Japan it was a Japanese technique by which they used to heel bye energy e and it was created by doctor Mikao Usui somewhere in the early 20 century so that’s why in some parts of the world it is also called reiki Usui.

Who is the most famous Reiki master?

As we already mentioned that reiki was originated in Japan by Mikao Usui so many cows he was one of the most famous reiki masters in the whole world and he was a native of Japan and he died in 1926.

Final Words For What safety should be kept while doing reiki Treatment

With the help of this article, we try to some of the safety measures which you should take while doing reiki treatment and in this article, we also enclosed three methods by which you can do its mood reeking treatment so we hope that you like this article and you are so thankful that you spared your precious time to read this article.

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