What is Anhad Naad Meditation Techniques

Today I will tell you Anhad Naad Meditation Techniques. There are many misconceptions about this meditation. So today I will remove them all one by one. During meditation, we hear some divine sounds from inside us. Anhad Naad is also one of them. It is also called the Sound of Silence.

What is Anhad Naad?

It is that divine sound that we hear in the depths of meditation, on hearing which we feel the ultimate bliss. Feel the ultimate happiness. Feel the ultimate peace.

Anhad Naad Meditation Experience

After listening to the endless sound, we are left with nothing.

All sorrows end.

We do not feel like getting up from this state of meditation.

It feels like sitting inside yourself.

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Anhad Naad Definition: –

The Word Anhad Naad is a combination of two little words, Anhad + Naad. Anhad means without any sound. And Naad is a divine sound. Therefore Anhad Naad means that divine sound that comes without any sound or confrontation.

All the sounds of the world arise due to the collision of any two things, but the endless noise keeps happening on its own without any conflict. It is both inside and outside. It is present everywhere.

How to Hear Anhad Naad ?: –

Although there are many ways to listen to the sound of a noiseless sound, today I will tell you the easiest and simplest way.

Let’s know: –

  1. Its sound can be easily heard in a deep state of meditation. Meditation is the perfect and natural way to listen to the sound of a deep sound. This is the way I tell my followers the most because this method is natural. Such a state comes from the continuous practice of meditation. When we are completely calm inside ourselves. We like to meditate. We enjoy meditating. We start being happy inside.
  2. Its sound can also be heard through the pranayama of Bhramari pranayama.
  3. This can also be heard by applying an earplug to both ears.
  4. After awakening the Anhad Chakra, we hear a divine sound. This sound is nothing but an endless noise. After awakening the Anahata Chakra we go into a deep state of meditation.
  5. It can also be heard from the practice of practicing the resonance of ॐ.

Anhad Naad Meditation Techniques: –

This Meditation Technique is a method of meditation in which we focus on the inner sound of Naad. This is the easiest and most effective technique for meditation. I was asked a lot of questions about the What is Anhad Naad Meditation Techniques. I will try my best to answer these questions. Let’s know:-

  1. Sit down in Sukhasana.
  2. Take all your attention to your breath.
  3. Now move your finger in front of your nose.
  4. Feel which nostril is breathing.
  5. Focus all your attention on the nostril breathing.
  6. Feel your breathing for 5 minutes.
  7. Initially, it feels less but with continuous practice, the breath can be felt.
  8. In the next 5 minutes, you have to feel whether the breath going out of the body and the breath coming into the body is hot or cold.
  9. For the first 3 months, you only have to do 10 minutes of practice.
  10. After 3 months of practice, you have to increase the meditation time gradually.
  11. Take this time to meditate for 30 minutes.
  12. You do not get up at all after 30 minutes of meditation.
  13. By coming to this stage, you will enjoy meditating.
  14. After the completion of 30 minutes of meditation is to feel the knowledge, peace, and bliss gained from it.
  15. The time to feel the deep peace and bliss achieved by meditation is gradually increased.
  16. When reaching the stage of meditation, you have to take the next step.
  17. Please Feel deep peace and bliss in the state of non-meditation and listen to your inner voice.
  18. Initially, you will get a sound like a beet from inside you. This sound is like the silence of a deserted forest at night.
  19. Gradually increase the time of listening to this voice.
  20. Hearing this voice will make you feel bliss and this voice will also be heard more clearly.
  21. This divine voice is the endless sound. It is also called the Sound of Silence. Continue this practice for the next 3 months.

The secret of Anhad Naad: –

The secret of Anhad Naad is deep meditation. Only after deep meditation, man feels deep peace from within. This is also the real purpose of listening to Anhad Naad.

Even without deep meditation, we can hear endless sounds, but we will not benefit from it. On the contrary, you are more likely to suffer loss.

This is the reason that people, despite practicing Anhad Naad meditation for years, do not get the ultimate happiness for which they are practicing Anhad Naad.

FAQ Related To Anhad Naad Meditation Techniques

What is the meaning of Naad in music?

When we talk about music then we can say that music is the perfect healer anyone can heal themselves at any time with the help of music and we talked about now in music then the meaning of NADH is basically the essence of all sounds which means that the vibration of that particular sound is of a fundamental frequency.

How do you do the Sound of Silence Meditation?

Sound of silence meditation is a type of meditation in which a person sits down somewhere which is a quiet place. the main purpose of this type of meditation is to focus on listening after some duration of time people practicing this Meditation usually get lost in their own world because that vibration is caused by silence this is how it works.

What are the benefits of Sound of Silence Meditation?

Meditation self is a very amazing thing if you are practicing this on the regular basis then you will be benefited for sure what we talk about some specific benefits you get from doing sound of silence meditation then ultimately your concentration power will increase and when you sit quietly and concentrate then you will get some creative ideas out of your brain and awareness also increases when you do this type of Meditation.

Final words forAnhad Naad Meditation Techniques

Send this lesson we tried to tell you about what exactly the Anhad Naad meditation techniques is and in this particular article, we also described the exact technique with the help that you can perform this meditation. We also discussed above that what you will experience if you do this type of meditation. We hope that you liked this article. Apply this important information in your life and make your life successful.

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