2 Best Ways of Reiki Symbols Meditation

Reiki Symbols Meditation is very important to all Reiki Channel. To increase the energy of Reiki symbols, meditation of Reiki symbols is done. Meditation of Reiki symbols is done in two ways.

2 Best Ways of Reiki Symbols Meditation
2 Best Ways of Reiki Symbols Meditation

1. By Making Reiki Symbols on White Paper

2. Mentally Meditating Reiki Symbols

1. By Making Reiki Symbols on White Paper

Take an A-4 size white paper. Draw the same big symbol on paper. Use a black or red-colored sac pan to draw a symbol. Draw all three symbols on three separate paper. Make a meditation on each symbol separately by making a symbol on the paper. Keep the created symbol at a distance of 3 feet in front of you in such a way that your eyes and the symbol should form a 90-degree angle i.e. keep it in front of your eyes.       

Use a pedestal or cloth for your seating. Then sit in Sukhasana and meditate separately for 2–5 minutes for 5-15 minutes and say in your mind that the energy of symbols 1,2,3 is being absorbed in me. Slowly – the energy of each symbol will be absorbed in you. You have to do this for 21 consecutive days. After 21 days, the symbols made on paper should be burnt in clean water as they are a symbol of sacred energy.

Reiki Symbols Meditation
Reiki Symbols Meditation


 While meditating on each symbol, repeat to your mind that the power of the symbol of Cho Ku Rei is being embedded in me. The power of O is getting absorbed in me. The power of Nain so I am getting absorbed in me.

2. Mentally Meditating Reiki Symbols: –

 Select a quiet room. Mentally Reiki symbols can also be meditated by sitting or lying in a chair. Play alpha music, one sound, or spiritual music. The sound is neither too loud nor low. Lie calmly on the bed or on the bed.

Do not cross any part of the body. Now take the entire meditation on yourself. Keep full attention on every coming health and going health. Do this for 5 minutes. Now mentally remember the symbol 0 1 Cho-Ku-Re. Do this for about 5-15 minutes. 

Then repeat the same process with symbols 2 and 3 and repeat in your mind that the power of Cho-Ku-Re Se Hee and Hon Sa Je So Nan is being absorbed into me -3. Do this continuously for 21 days. After 21 days, the energy of these symbols will be absorbed in itself.

Use Reiki Symbol Plate: –

 There are two types of Reiki symbol plates. One can be made on paper and the other can be made of metal. The symbol plate can be ordered from the center. Take a paper of A-4 size, make a symbol plate with a red pen like the picture below and write positive sentences with a red pen in the middle. 

Use Reiki Symbol Plate

Charge those symbols by making the three symbols respectively, 1,2,3 by hand on that paper. The symbols of metal plates ordered from the center should also be made and charged once on that metal plate.

FAQ Related to 2 best way of Reiki Symbols Meditation

What are the side effects of reiki?

Reiki is a technique that can be used under proper guidance and knowledge some people do that without any guidance on the knowledge and they face some side effects which include headache body act nausea and sometimes weakness as well.

Is Reiki Safe for Everyone?

Yes, it is safe for everyone respective of age respective of gender but the thing is you have to do that under complete guidance and a proper knowledgeable person sometimes what happens is people do that without any knowledge and guidance and they end up with some sort of side effects and ultimately they say that it has some side effects but this is not at all true.

What is a healing symbol?

Will different people say a different story about the healing symbol because it has a different existence in different countries but a vision of the whole idea of healing symbol than it is basically a symbol that represents a healing effect so expert says that it is depicted by a symbol in which snake is called around a staff that symbol is called a healing symbol.

Final Words For 2 best way of Reiki Symbols Meditation

In this particular article, we discussed how you can meditate with the help of reiki symbols, and specifically, we discussed two best ways of reiki symbol meditation. We also talked about the uses of the reiki symbol plate so we hope that you like this article and we are so much thankful to you that you spare your precious time to read this article.

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