How to Use Reiki Symbols Properly and their 10 best functions

What Are Reiki Symbols

By the way, Reiki symbols are a linear shape, but Reiki symbols are not just linear shapes but are energy forms. They are also called mantras. These Reiki symbols have tremendous energy which helps in healing. By the way, Reiki symbols appear as a normal linear shape, but when their energy is awakened, then here the normal linear shape acts as symbols of Reiki energy. These symbols should not be used without Shaktipat, otherwise, there is a risk of loss of internal energy. These Reiki symbols do not work without Reiki Shaktipat. 3 symbols are taught in Reiki Second Degree.

How to Use Reiki Symbols Properly and their 10 best functions

Symbol No. 1 (CHO-KU-REI) 

CHO-KU-REI (Power Symbol)

This symbol is also called the power symbol.

Cho Ku re is called the symbol no. 1. Its color is bright white.


1. To clean the aura

2. To remove all barriers

3. to seal

4. To increase Reiki energy.

5. To remove negative energy.

6. To clean the negative energy of the chakras.

7. To treat chakras.

8. To energize the chakras.

9. To awaken the chakras.

10. To clean the rhinestones.

11. To charge the rhinestones.

12. To remove the negative energy of a room.

13. To fill positive energy in the room.

14. Car, house, child, any vehicle, to protect oneself.

15. Inanimate or inanimate to purify any object.

How to Use Reiki Symbols Properly and their 10 best functions

 Symbol No. 2 (SE-HE-KI)

 SE-HE-KI (Balance Symbol)

Its color is pink. It is called the Reiki symbol No. 2. It is also called the balance symbol.


1. To sweeten relationships.

2. To balance the right and left brains.

3. To balance the awakened and semi-awakened mind.

4. To balance the mind and emotions.

5. To increase memory power.

6. To get rid of wrong habits.

7. To make the frontman positive towards himself.

8. For healing in mental disorders such as fear, fear, anger, grief, depression and nervousness, self-confidence, to lose weight.

9. To find a lost item.

How to Use Reiki Symbols Properly and their 10 best functions

Symbol No. 3 (HON -SHA-ZE -SHO-NEN)

HON-SHA-ZE-SHO-NEN (Connecting Symbol) 

This is called the symbol no. 3. Its color is golden. The remote treatment of this symbol is called the symbol. It is also called Connecting Symbol.


1. This symbol is used to treat the person sitting far away. In this case, if the person has photographs, it is better. If there are no photographs, then Reiki treatment is done by making a picture mentally. This symbol is used as a medium between the person to be treated with Reiki and the Reiki Healer.

2. This symbol is used to send Reiki to the past and future. If an unpleasant event has happened in the past, then this symbol is used to treat it.

3. This symbol is also used for sending Reiki in the future, for example – in the future for any examination, interview, delivery, and operation.

How to Use Reiki Symbols Properly

Method of Draw Reiki Symbols:-

1. First, remember the Reiki symbols on paper. Make these three symbols of Reiki until you can make them without seeing them.

2. Then make Bari-2 to 1,2,3 on the wall with the whole palm. Make the Reiki symbol as large as possible.

3. Then mix all four fingers and thumbs and make Reiki symbols in the air.

4. Then make four symbols by combining four fingers, three and the first two fingers respectively.

5. Then mix the thumb and the first two fingers, make each Reiki symbol once and take its name three times and energize it with both palms. Never draw a symbol with a finger. Make each symbol mentally and energize it by taking its name from mind to mind.

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Each Reiki symbol has to be made in the air. Make slowly and feel its energy.

How to Use Reiki Symbols Properly and their 10 best functions

FAQ Related to How to Use Reiki Symbols Properly and their 10 best functions

Can Reiki help with tiredness?

Yes, we can help in tiredness which is degree is a therapy that releases the stress from the body and gets relax and strengthen the inner self of the body physical in the advantages of Reiki are countless which includes fatigue, anxiety which reduces pain as well.

What is Chakra Energy Healing?

Our body is made of different chakras and chakras are basically the storage of our energy when we say chakra energy healing so basically, the energy which is generated from which chakra usually heal your body with that chakra energy basically a body is conceptualized in this way get all the seven chakras to get some amount of energy.

What does a blocked chakra feel like?

A blocked chakra is the same as a blocked bladder or maybe a blockage in the heart basically it’s manifest that only because a blockage is something that blocks the path of maybe blood maybe energy or whatever it is. so whenever a chakra is blocked that means it is blocking the energy so you will feel insecure and you will feel less confident emotionally weak services you feel like when your chakra is blocked.

Final Words For How to Use Reiki Symbols Properly and their 10 best functions

In this article, we talked about how you can use reiki symbols properly, and one by one we elaborated the best functions of those reiki symbols in this article we also illustrated the methods to draw reiki symbols so we hope that you like this article thank you for sparing your precious time to read this article.

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