How to Use Reiki Healing For Achieving Goals with 3 easy examples

In this article, we have told ‘How to use Reiki Healing For Achieving Goals’. It is very easy to achieve the goal with Reiki Healing. We have explained its complete method in detail in this article.

How to Use Reiki Healing For Achieving Goals

What do you want?: –

 Most people do not know what they want? Rather, they definitely know what they do not want. We must know about what we want? When we know what we want, only then we will be able to get it. Therefore, first, write down your life goals. Then perform Reiki to complete them.

How to Use Reiki Healing For Achieving Goals

How to Use Reiki Healing For Achieving Goals:-

Do not heal all wishes by Iktha Reiki. Reach the desire which is most important and to is achieved quickly. First of all, decide your wishes. Then note it in your diary. Then take A-4 size paper and make all three symbols on it with 1,2,3 red pen in such a way as shown in the picture.

Then write a red pen in the center of the paper, then make four folds of this paper and put your photos on it. It is worth noting that the desire should be clearly written in minimum words. Create a desire in such a way so that the result of the desire comes in it. That is, what you ultimately want is reflected in that desire. Like:

1. My income per month is one lakh rupees. My, I and my family are very happy. O Reiki Shakti, be it like that.

2. This month I have taken the Alto car of Red Rag. My, I and my family are very happy. O Reiki Shakti, be it like that.

3. This year I have bought my house in the Pitampura area of ​​Delhi. My, I and my family are very happy. O Reiki Shakti, be it like that.

How to Use Reiki Healing For Achieving Goals

Time, colour, form, place, country, etc. must be mentioned in the wish. Here we are telling the Reiki treatment for the former desire. Then place a crystal pyramid on it. Keep it in front of you for Reiki healing. Charge yourself first and then connect to your wish by creating symbol 3. Remove all the barriers coming from symbol No.1 between your wishes.

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Then make the symbol 1,2,1. Reiki treatment for 15-30 minutes. Then create symbol 1 and say install-3. Reiki treatment of my desire goes on continuously, so I establish the power of Reiki on my desire. I close Reiki Cut-3. Thank you all Thank you

How to Use Reiki Healing For Achieving Goals

Thank the Reiki Gurus. Thank you Reiki Shakti. This process has to be done for at least 21 days and for more than 3 months continuously when the desire is complete then stop doing Reiki. Burn the slip and care for it in running clean water or put it in trees. Take out your photos separately. Remove the crystal. You can use this photo and crystal again for any other desire by purifying it with Reiki energy. When one wish is complete, then give the other wish with Reiki treatment using this method.


Be sure to place the pyramid on the slip every day after a Reiki session. This pyramid can be of wood, plastic, iron or other metal. By keeping the pyramid, Reiki keeps on working for your desire for 24 hours. That is, it flows for 24 hours.

FAQ Related to How to use Reiki Healing For Achieving Goals with 3 Easy Examples

Can We Control Anxiety With Reiki?

Yes of course you can control your anxiety with the help of reiki because when we do reiki therapy for relaxation then ultimately it reduces stress and anxiety and the main agenda of this technique is to give you a positive mental state and in that particular thing, they use a gentle touch in therapy sessions.

What is Traditional Reiki?

Traditionally reiki was introduced to calm the soul or inner self of a person by a gentle touch or you can say touch on specified areas. So traditionally Reiki is a therapy in which a practitioner touches the person on a specified area enhances the body’s ability.

How does Reiki Reduce Stress?

Our body has different search points on which if we touch them gently or in a different operating a manner then it will ultimately e have the coming effects so reiki is one of those techniques which works on a gentle touch calmness affects thing in which practitioner touches the person on a specified area and ultimately it reduces the stress and gives you some other benefits as well.

Final Words For How to use Reiki Healing For Achieving Goals with 3 Easy Examples

In this article, we discussed how we can achieve our goals by using reiki healing and you also discuss the methods and the steps which you have to take care of during the reiki treatment session we hope that you learn something new from this article. Thank you for sparing your time to read this article.

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