How to Charge Water With Reiki Symbols 2 easy ways

It has been told in this article that How to Charge Water With Reiki Symbols. I have written this article based on my experience. Because I myself am a Reiki Grand Master.

Reiki treatment of water with Reiki: –

Research worldwide has shown that water is influenced by the spirit of the mind, my thoughts, and prayer. An experiment was done – the same water was filled in two glasses. Good prayers, positive sentences, and good thoughts were spoken on a glass. After some time he was inspected. 

Charge Water With Reiki Symbols
Charge Water With Reiki Symbols

 In looking at both the same, the difference was understood when looking through instruments. The structure of the water on which the positive sentences and the words of prayer were spoken was like a star, but the shape of the water molecules on which the negative sentences were spoken was seen to be fragmented.

This experiment shows that water is influenced by feelings and thoughts. So whenever you drink water, drink it with Reiki. You can feel a good feeling while charging the water with Reiki. Like- this water is very good, drinking it will eliminate all the diseases inside me. All negativity will come out. By drinking this water, I will be completely healthy and the positiveness in me will increase.

How to Charge Water With Reiki Symbols:-

Method of charging water

Charge yourself first. Put the water you want to charge in front of you. Purify water with symbol no.1. Charge water with symbol no.1. Symbol no. Balance the energy with 2. Then the symbol no. Apply 1 then reiki for 15-30 minutes. While giving Reiki, keep saying good words in your mind Then stop the Reiki power. Say, I stop Reiki power, thank you all. In this way, water becomes charged. With this method, you can charge water for yourself and others.

How to Charge Water With Reiki Symbols
How to Charge Water With Reiki Symbols

By this method, water can also be charged for the whole family. To charge water for the whole family, charge the tank from which everyone drinks water. Water can also be charged at a distant location. This will be the method to do this. Just connect the symbol no. 3 to the remote water tank before starting treatment.

Just as Reiki makes our external body healthy, similarly the charged water goes inside and also makes us healthy internally. Our aura also gets stronger day by day. Our immunity also increases. Charge water should also be given to the patient. 

How to Charge Water With Reiki Symbols:-

So that it feels good from the inside. Sprinkling charged water in the house ends the nasal energy of the house. You can also take a bath with charged water. If the person who eats cigarettes, bidi, drinks alcohol, and gutka is fed for three months continuously, then his bad addiction starts gradually decreasing. Charged water should be drunk every morning.

FAQ Related To How to charge Water with Reiki Symbols

How do I become a Reiki Healer?

When someone wants to become a Reiki master then here she requires one year between the first and the second degree of reiki classes. It’s not all about the degree and it’s basically about the practice which you do in 1 to 2 years so if you do that dedicatedly solid metal to become a reiki healer and 2 years of practice and some people takes a lot more time than that.

What is a Chakra Balancing?

Chakra balancing is basically a form of healing that focuses on balancing channeling the energy into the seven chakras when we balance chakras that mean we are balancing or energy and that energies can be used for different purposes.

When Was Reiki Created?

Reiki is a strong technique of yoga and meditation and it came into the existence in early 1920. As we already discussed that reiki is all about channeling your energy so this technique was created in 1920 by Mikao Usui in Japan.

Final words for How to Charge Water With Reiki Symbols

In today’s article How to charge Water with Reiki Symbols, we learned about ‘How to Charge Water With Reiki Symbols’. We also told about some of its benefits and how to do it. We hope that you have liked our article and you will definitely share it with your friends. If you got to learn something new from this article, then please do not forget to share this article with your family and friends.

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