How to Activate Reiki Energy in 1 easy way

 In this article, we have discussed How to Activate Reiki Energy. The method of performing Reiki activity by hand chakras has many energy centers in the body. In which the chakras of the palms and the soles of the feet and the septa are the main chakras. The palms circle occurs between the two palms. The soles have chakras between the soles. To activate these chakras, Bai brought the palm with him. 

Now, with the first finger of the right hand on it, rotate the clockwise by giving a slight pressure seven times. Perform this action with the other three fingers and thumbs respectively. Then keep the first finger of the right hand straight and rotate the clockwise with a slight pressure of seven times. Perform this action with the other three fingers and thumbs respectively. Repeat the same action with the other hand. Now rub both palms vigorously. 

Reiki and Aura Experience

After rubbing both palms 21 times, close your eyes slowly and feel Reiki energy in between both hands. Now slowly move your palms back and forth. You will feel slight pressure between your hands. For example, the way we are pushing a balloon or two magnets are pulling each other towards us.

The pressure that you are feeling through Reiki is the aura and the energy you are feeling is Reiki. Reiki energy is coming out of your palms and hitting pressure. Now the Reiki energy has started coming out of your hands.

Reiki experience with Reiki

Reiki and Aura Experience

Note: – To make the Reiki energy flow more from the palms, round small crystal hair should be used. Keep round small crystal hair palms and close your fist and meditate for 1/2 hour daily. As shown in the figure. After some time you will feel more energized than before and you will be able to use Reiki energy more. The practice automatically increases the flow of Reiki. Use Reiki more and more every day. For example, use to energize trees, plants, water, food, clothing.

FAQ Related to How to activate Reiki Energy in 1 easy way

What are the Side effects of Reiki?

There are no search intense effects shown in reiki and the people have some headache, weakness, fatigue, and nausea. We can say these can’t be considered as deadly effects.

Is Reiki a Massage?

Yeah, you can say that partially it’s sort of massage only because in Reiki as well you lied down on a Massage Table. It is a dim or dark room there they sometimes play soft music and they won’t talk during the whole session all they do is they transfer their energy to you.

Can anyone at any stage of age start learning Reiki?

There is no age limit in starting learning reiki because it is a type of meditation in which you have to control your chakras and energy so if you practice at any age with full dedication then you ultimately become the master of that.

Final words for ‘How to Activate Reiki Energy’

In this article we discussed how to activate Reiki energy and specifically, we talked about the methods with the help of that you can activate your energy and later on we discuss Reiki’s experience with reiki. We hope that with the help of this article we increased your knowledge in the field of Meditation and yoga and we hope that you like this article and we are so much thankful that you spared your precious time to read this article. We hope that you have liked this article.

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