How to do Full Body Aura Scanning

Today we have to discuss ‘Full Body Aura Scanning’. We should clean our aura daily. We get many benefits from this. By cleaning our aura every day, many negative energies come out of our bodies on their own. By doing this our aura also gets stronger.

Examination of the entire body’s aura

As mentioned earlier, the aur a is a layer of micro energy around the body. Which is inside the physical body from outside. Auscultation can be investigated in two ways.

1. Self-examination

2. Audience Audit of Others

Method of checking your own Aura:-

First, we examine it; it shows the method of feeling. Take a mat and place the chair on top. Sit comfortably on it. Close your eyes. Breathe vigorously and release three times. Rub the palms of both hands vigorously 21 times. 

Method of checking your own Aura

Now bring full attention to your palms. Keeping the left hand in front, keep it straight and take the palm of the right hand near the hand 3 inches. Now press down lightly, you will feel light pressure. This is your aur a, just as we felt it of the left hand, in the same way, you can check it off the whole body with your hands. 

 To check it off the whole body, start with the feet, take the palm of the right hand near the feet, slowly move it towards the top of the body, stop the part of the body that feels like tingling and magnet, Clean the same part of the body, shaking on the same part with Reiki energy. Gradually, that part of the body will begin to recover and you will be relaxed. Do this activity for 21 days or according to the disease, you can be fully healthy by morning and evening healing.

Method of checking the aura of others:-

 The person who wants to check it sits comfortably on the chair in front of him or lies comfortably on the bed. Close your eyes and take full care of your faith. Breathe 3 times and release. From the feet of the partner to the head check the aur a. 

 The part of your body that feels like a tingling or a magnet in your palm is the disease of the partner in the same part. Feeling like a tingling or a magnet in the palm is an indication that that part of the body is sick. Reiki will automatically flow more vigorously through your hands and will stop itself.


Do not allow the palm to touch the body while examining the aura of others. Always keep the palm at a distance of 3 inches from the body. Clean and Recycle the area of ​​the same body where there is a disease. You can also repeat this action 3 to 5 times a day and do Reiki regularly on the same part of the body. If you take care of the dieting also, then the benefit will be very quick.

Examination of the aura of the thumb and finger:-

Auscultation belongs to everything, whether living or non-living. This can be realized by reiki or by examining. Experiment with the aur a of the thumb and finger – keep your right hand in front. Watch your forearm for 1 minute continuously. 

Examination of the aura of the thumb and finger

After a minute, look around the thumb, you will feel white light, and will also see. Keep the first two fingers of both the hands and both the thumbs in front of the eyes as per the picture and watch it continuously for one minute. Then in the middle, you will see white light, which is the aura of the first two fingers of both hands and both the thumbs.

I hope this information will very useful to you. If any queries regarding the above, you can comment on the comment box.

FAQ How to do Full Body Aura Scanning

How can you know your Aura?

Many people tell different stories about this concept but we talked about how you can know your aurea then you can know your order by scanning out the outer parameters of your body which include head and shoulders specifically and an expert says that whatever the taller you see in your surrounding that is basically aura.

What does aura look like?

There are different patterns and different ways in which you can see or some people see there by bright spots or flashes of light. While on the other hand, some people reported that they just lost their reason and dark spots in tingling in an arm or any leg so there are different ways in which a person can feel their aura.

How long does an Aura Last?

Usually, it lasts 20 to 30 minutes many people reported that this is basically the ideal duration of time in which it lasts and there are very rare cases in which a last more than 30 minutes because it’s some sort of effect or you can see a sensory feeling which two fields and defects that it is actually an Aura.

Final words for How to do Full Body Aura Scanning

In this particular article, we talked about how to do full body or scanning in this article we covered the methods by which you can check your own aura. In this, we specifically talked about how you can do self-examination and audience audit of others so this article is all about aura and how you can scan your own aura. We hope that you liked this article ‘How to do Full Body Aura Scanning’ of ours.

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