Self Esteem-5 Amazing Ways to Enhance Your Self Esteem  

How powerful is your Self Esteem? Do you realize that your Self Esteem can make a better world for yourself? 

It is not easy to have healthy Self Esteem in today’s dynamic world of excessive competition and the rat race. Whether you are a teenager or an adult; you may feel insecure about yourself at any time. 

But, with determination and modest efforts, you can raise your Self Esteem and conquer the battle of life. This blog discusses Self Esteem and other aspects of it.

Self Esteem
Self Esteem

What is Self Esteem?

Self Esteem mainly describes a person’s overall sense of personal worth. Also, it shows how much you value and like yourself, regardless of the circumstances. In simple words, it is nothing but how you see yourself and what opinion you have about yourself.

It may affect decision-making power, relationships, emotional health, and well-being. It tells you how you feel about your abilities and limitations.

Definition of Self Esteem 

According to Rosenberg, “Self Esteem is one’s positive or negative attitude toward oneself and one’s evaluation of one’s own thoughts and feelings overall in relation to oneself.”

Importance of Self Esteem

Self Esteem is vital in life as it is one of the determinants of success or failure. It plays a crucial role in motivation in life. High Self Esteem can help you go through life with a positive mindset and attitude. On the other hand, Low Self Esteem can prevent you from achieving your goals and maximizing your potential.

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Factors Affecting Self Esteem
Factors Affecting Self Esteem

Factors Affecting Self Esteem

Your surrounding factors can either raise or lower your Self Esteem. Let’s see what factors can determine it.

Social Media

The utter obsession with social media, television, or print advertising, contributes to the common issues you can face. Instant access to social media is particularly damaging. Young minds are under constant pressure to observe and act like public figures, celebrities, and peers.


Your childhood is one of the main factors contributing to Self Esteem. Throughout your childhood, as your personality and everything else develops, everyone you meet has the potential to influence who you become.

Family and Friends

People who spend time with you have a profound effect on you. Your family can positively or negatively affect your Self Esteem, depending on their thoughts. Your friends can help you build your confidence and self-image, or they can drag you down.

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Maslow’s Theory of Need Hierarchy

Maslow’s Theory of Need Hierarchy is a motivational theory in psychology that has a five-stage model of human needs, often represented as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. Maslow’s Theory of Needs Hierarchy includes five stages, which are as follows – 

  1. Physiological Needs 

Air, food, water, shelter, clothing, and sleep are biological needs for human survival. In the absence of these needs, the human body cannot function optimally. Maslow said that physiological needs are most important.

  1. Safety Needs

After a person’s physiological needs are met, the need for safety and security comes next. Family and society can fulfill these needs. These include financial security, law, and order, emotional security, freedom from fear, social stability, property, well-being, and health. 

  1. Love and Belongingness Needs

After the physiological and security needs are met, the third stage of human needs is social and involves feelings of belonging. Belonging refers to a human emotional need for interpersonal relationships, belonging, connection, and belonging to a group. These include friendship, trust, acceptance, love, giving, and receiving affection.

  1. Esteem Needs

Esteem needs are the fourth level which includes achievement and respect. Maslow pointed out that the need for respect is more important for children and young people and precedes a true sense of self-worth or dignity.

  1. Self-Actualization Needs

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs includes the most important needs – self-actualization, growth, and peak experiences.

Types of Self Esteem 

How do your thoughts affect you? Are you insecure about yourself? How do you react to what others think about you? All this is a part of Self Esteem and answering them positively or negatively defines its quality. Let’s discuss its different types. 

High Self Esteem

Having healthy Self Esteem means you have an accurate and balanced view of yourself. People accept and value themselves. They have the confidence that they will overcome any challenge that comes their way. These people have more initiative and comfortable feel and are more comfortable to be around. 

You are in a good state if –

  • You avoid thinking about negative past experiences. 
  • You believe you are like everyone else, neither better nor worse. 
  • You can express your needs. 
  • You have a positive attitude towards life. 
  • You know how to say No whenever you want. 
  • You see all your strengths and weaknesses and carry them.

Low Self Esteem 

If you have low or negative Self Esteem, you have little value for your opinions and ideas. It focuses on your weaknesses and shortcomings and gives little credit to your skills and assets. The fear of failure plagues and stops such people. These people are unhappy.

You need to improve if –

  • You may think that others are more promising than you. 
  • You may find it challenging to convey your needs. 
  • You focus on your weaknesses. 
  • You may have a fear of failure.
  • You may frequently experience anxiety, self-doubt, and worry. 
  • You may have a negative attitude towards life and feel out of control.

Excessive Self Esteem 

People with excessive Self Esteem believe they are better than others and do not hesitate to underestimate others. It is negative as it prevents them from forming effective and healthy relationships. For these people, happiness is about achieving success, but the reality is that they don’t achieve contentment with that attitude.

You need to change yourself if –

  • You are afraid of being perfect. 
  • You focus on always being right. 
  • You may believe that you cannot fail. 
  • You may believe that you are more capable or better than others. 
  • You can express magnificent ideas.
  • You may grossly overestimate your abilities and skills.
Ways to Enhance Self Esteem
Ways to Enhance Self Esteem

Ways to Enhance Self Esteem 

  1. Be With People Who Treat You Well 
  2. Believe in Giving and Helping
  3. Stop Worrying About What Others Think
  4. Say Yes to Failure
  5. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Anyone of us might need to work on our Self Esteem. There are ways in which you can enhance it. Let us understand them in detail. 

Be With People Who Treat You Well 

Some people act in ways that bring you down. Others encourage you with what they say and do. Learn to spot the difference. Being yourself with the right people is important. Be such a friend to others.

Believe in Giving and Helping

Giving is one of the best ways to build Self Esteem. Giving back to society is the best way to brace yourself. You can tutor a student, help clean up your neighborhood, go for a walk for a good cause, and help at home or school. Be kind and fair. Make yourself proud of the kind of person you are.

Stop Worrying About What Others Think

When you worry about what others will think of you, you never feel the real you. Make a strong decision to stop worrying about what other people think. Initiate making decisions based on what you want, not what you think other people want from you.

Say Yes to Failure

It’s a typical reaction to being hard on yourself when you’ve failed. But if you can shift your mindset to understand that failure is an opportunity to learn and that it plays a vital role in learning and growth, it can help you keep perspective. Also, remember that failure means effort.

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Stretch and move to the edge of your comfort zone. Try something new, meet other people or unconventional approach to a situation. Confidence begins when you step out of your comfort zone.

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Is Self Esteem necessary? 

According to the American Psychological Association, high Self Esteem is key to positive mental health and well-being. It helps you develop coping skills, deal with adversity, and put the negative in perspective. 

Can your child learn Self Esteem? 

As your child grows, things like getting dressed, reading, or riding a bike are opportunities to boost Self Esteem. When teaching children how to do things, show them and help them first. It is okay if they make mistakes, as long as they do their best. Make sure your child has the opportunity to learn, experiment, and be proud. 

How is Self Esteem important for child development? 

A confident and secure child can be successful in school and achieve personal goals. As they grow older, they learn to deal with situations and resist peer pressure. 

How is Self Esteem different from self-acceptance? 

Self Esteem focuses on your relationship with yourself, but Self Acceptance is simply acknowledging and accepting that you are who you are.

How does self-love affect Self Esteem? 

With self-love, you develop healthy Self Esteem, which means feeling good about yourself, your opinions, and your abilities. It means you understand that failure is an opportunity to learn, not a painful indicator of defeat. 

How does Self Esteem affect success? 

When you value yourself and have good Self Esteem, you feel safe and valuable. You have positive relationships with others and are confident in your abilities. You are also open to learning and feedback, which can help you learn and master new skills.

What are the signs of low Self Esteem?

The signs of low Self Esteem might include – 
1. Having negative thoughts. 
2. Being critical about yourself. 
3. Not believing in yourself. 
4. Ignoring your achievements.

Who defined Self Esteem?

It is defined by a social psychologist, Morris Rosenberg, in the mid-1960s.

Final Words

Self Esteem affects every aspect of your life. Maintaining a healthy and realistic view of yourself is not about honking your horn. It’s about learning to love and respect yourself, mistakes and all. We hope you have received some valuable information.  

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Khushboo is a Content Writer for more than a year now. She writes blogs and articles in different niches. She also has an interest in writing poems. By profession, she is a Commerce post-graduate and holder of a Diploma in the French Language. In her leisure time, she loves to draw, doodle and scribble. She always welcomes any comment, any change, or any suggestion.

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