Best Kundalini Awakening Process and its 55 Benefits

Kundalini Awakening Process: –

I have told the best method of Kundalini awakening in this article. We can use this method by sitting on the bed, sitting on the chair or sofa. Before using this method, make sure that nothing has been eaten until 30 minutes before. Wherever you use this method, the place should be comfortable.

If this method is used on a sofa or chair, then keep in mind that your feet have to be nudes, a carpet or cloth is placed under the feet. The reason behind this is that during this time positive energy flows in our body and if nothing is kept under our feet, then this energy goes through our body into the ground. And Puran does not get the benefit of this method.

To use this method, you should lie down on the bed, mace, mat or comfortable carpet. If you are sitting on a chair or sofa, keep your feet open and do not cross them nor do you cross your hands. If you have Alfa Music or any sound then play it during this.

Best Kundalini Awakening Process and its Benefits
Best Kundalini Awakening Process and its Benefits

 Wherever this method is used, the place should be quiet. Now take all your attention to your health. See and feel every coming swish. If you feel a little deeper at this time, you will find that every incoming breath is feeling cold and every breath going out of the body is feeling hot. Do this for 3minutes.

After this, take all your attention to the fingers of both your feet and say calmly to your mind and feel that the fingers of both your feet have become completely relaxed, then Relax has been done, then after this, from the fingers of the feet to the third. Until the eye, all the body parts will be pacified and will be muted as well.

The sequence ahead of it will be like this – the soles of both feet, the ankles of both feet, the calves of both feet, the folds of both legs, the thighs, the whole part of the hips, the navel, lungs, heart, both shoulders, arms of both hands, both hands Elbows, both hands, palms of both hands, fingers of both hands, larynx, chin, lips, both ears, both eyes and both eyebrows, nose and finally Third Eye (part of both eyebrows / where women dot Or which is also called the command cycle). Stop for a while on Third Eye, then go back from Third Eye to your toes.

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Thus it is considered a complete cycle. After doing this whole cycle, it remained like this for some time. Do not get up at once, but before getting up, shake and feel the fingers of your hands and feet and move the fingers of the feet. Then get up slowly. Use this method for at least 3months to get good results. During this method, when you go to any part of the body, then the mind will speak thrice to itself and will feel calm and calm.

 Initially, when we use this method, then we fall asleep only after a few limbs. In this case, you should start again from the same part from where you left and if you do not remember then you will have to start from the beginning again. This is a very easy, simple and elementary problem. Do not panic, but keep using this method continuously for 3months. This method can be used at any time of the day. If a person has more time or wants to get quick results, this method should be used twice a day.

As much as this method is useful for a sick person, it is also useful for a spiritual person. Do not go on this method being simple, because this method of awakening this Kundalini is the easiest, simple and quick result in today’s era. If this method is used with full enthusiasm then there are definitely positive results.

After using this method for 3 months, your body starts to feel the light sensation. We have felt from inside that something is happening inside us. This is a sign that you are doing what you are doing right.

Now you are ready to go from the gross body to life or we are ready to go to the subtle body. In the fourth month, when you use this method, instead of 3 times, 7times you have to speak your mind only; 7 have to feel calm. By doing this you will feel more intense peace. After practising this method, you will be able to use this method anywhere and in 5 minutes you will be able to relax the whole body.

Now come to the main point of this method – when you use this method daily for 5-6 months continuously, then after that, you will be able to feel any part of the body in a moment. And will also be able to calm down. Wherever you feel, you will feel the movement of life. This is a high-level position. Such a person becomes like a yogi, even when he is in the world, he rises above the world.

The way to practice you after 6 months – lie down or sit comfortably and initially focus on your swashes and feel it, then start with the fingers of both feet as before, then the Muladhara while calming one limb. Come to the chakra and feel the movement of your life for 5minutes on the Muladhara Chakra.

Then in this way also go to your further chakras (Swadhisthana Chakra, Manipur Chakra, Anahd Chakra, Vishuddha Chakra and finally Commandas Chakra) and feel the movement of your life for 5minutes on each chakra. After going on the command cycle, stop for some time. Then take this process from the command cycle to the fingers of the feet. You will feel lighter after reaching the toes of the feet. You feel like you are floating in the air. This situation is very enjoyable and of high quality. We do not feel like getting up in this situation. You should be your timekeeper and willing.

Do not get up at once, but before getting up, shake and feel the fingers of your hands and feet and move the fingers of the feet. Then feel the whole body. Then get up slowly. Slowly get up and rub your two hands together and rub your mouth all over your body. Gradually increase the time that calms the chakras. As the time to calm and feel the chakras changes, so will your chakras awakening. Continue the exercise. After some continuous practice, you will feel that your chakras are awakening.

 When you are 9 months practising this method, then you have to add one more thing to it. While using this method, when you reach the command cycle, then stop for some time, then in your mind, you have to feel your life in the command cycle and say that my Kundalini is awake, awake is awake, all my Kundalini chakra is awake He is awake, he is awake. Doing this will speed up your Kundalini awakening.

In such a situation, you can also do other experiments like if you have any other goals then Affirmation can also speak the mind to fulfil it as well as you also have to feel that you have met that goal. By doing this, all your goals will be completed gradually.

What is Kundalini Awakening? : –

Kundalini’s awakening is an internal process and not an external one. Nowadays, there are many methods of awakening the Kundalini. In which it is said that after Kundalini awakening many types of powers are attained but no one tells what kind of powers will be found.

What is Kundalini Awakening
What is Kundalini Awakening

Let’s talk today about the Best Method of Kundalini Awakening (Best method of Kundalini Awakening). Come, let us know which are the easy ways by which Kundalini awakening can be done: –

Methods of Kundalini Awakening: –

There are several methods of Kundalini awakening, some of which are as follows: –

1 Kriya Yoga

2 Hatha Yoga

3 Meditation

4 Shaktipat

5 Mantras

6 Lama System

7 Reiki Healing

8 Reiki Symbols

9 By Concentrating The Mind on Each Chakra

10 Placing Pyramids On Kundalini Chakras

11 By Alpha Music

12 By Chanting the Seed Mantra of Each Chakra

13 By Breathing Method

14 By Positive Affirmation

Methods of Kundalini Awakening: -

Awakening the Kundalini with Swashan is the easiest and safest way because we elderly people cannot use more cultivation, worship lessons, and difficult methods. We can do such things while being in the home, which is easy so that there is no obstruction in our home life. Swashan is one such method. The use of which has no effect on our daily life but has a positive effect.

Kundalini Awakening Benefits:-

1 We go more quiet day by day.

2 understanding increases.

3 Success is achieved in every task.

4 Ability to Remember increases.

5 Sweet relationships are formed with everyone.

6 Bad Habits disappear automatically.

7 Goal Achievement can be achieved in life.

8 We can get whatever we want.

9 Meditators start automatically getting success in meditation.

10 All fear, fear, anxiety and negative thoughts go away.

11 Stress Levels are low.

12 We sleep well.

13 Our immunity grows naturally.

14 Control of our mind and body remains in our hands.

15 Eyesight can be increased.

16 Our Focus Power grows.

17Concentration Power grows.

18Bad Habits are less. Good Habits grow.

19Bad Emotion is less.

20Confidence Increase occurs

21Attractive Personality is formed.

22Our Aura is strong.

23 The glow comes on our faces.

24Activeness in us grows.

25Our memory capacity increases.

26Our Relation is good.

27Our Weight Manage.

28is Thought Control Power.

29 Setting Power grows.

30 Problem Solving Power grows.

31 We recharge for Day by Day Activities.

32 Our laziness goes away.

33 Our body is refreshed.

34 The furor going on inside us is less.

35 There is a new energy in us.

36 Depression or stress is less.

37 Energy Level increases.

38 Will Power grows.

39 Health Improvement occurs.

40 Life Disease is less.

41 Slow Aging occurs.

42 We feel good from inside.

43 Our irritable nature is overcome.

44 Our conscious and subconscious mind is balanced?

45 Learning Ability increases.

46 Understating Power Rises.

47 We are internally happy.

48 Fear and Fear come to an end from within us.

49 Awareness Power grows in us.

50 We get angry less.

51 Our Immunity Power Increases.

52 Our Body Controlling Power grows.

53 Our hormones are balanced.

54 Our mind is happy.

55 Our mind remains under our control.

FAQ Related To Best Kundalini Awakening Process and its 55 benefits

What is Kundalini Good For?

Kundalini awakening is a process through which one can enlighten himself spiritually and it is the process that reduces stress and anxiety the best part about this awakening is is it gradually increases your self-perception and people start appreciating themselves.

Why is Kundalini Yoga So Powerful?

Kundalini yoga is that powerful yoga technique that enhances your strength and internally builds your resilience basically it’s all about the energy and in this particular yoga technique you collect your energy from different chakras and with that connected energy you can feel very energetic as well as a completely different personality.

What will happen if Kundalini is Awakened?

As we already discussed the power of kundalini yoga is so much powerful that it has the ability to completely change your personality and you will never be the same as you used to be because the entire system of your body your mind and your spirit are upgraded and you feel so energetic as well as a different personality.

Final Words For Best Kundalini Awakening Process and its 55 benefits

In this article, we discuss the 55 benefits of kundalini awakening and in this article, we also discuss methods of kundalini awakening so we hope that you enjoyed this article and learn a lot of new things related to kundalini awakening with the help of this article we are so much thankful that you spared your precious time to read this article.

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