How to Meditate Properly at Home for Beginners

In this article, we have discussed ‘How to Meditate Properly at Home for Beginners in English’. Today we have made a lot of progress externally. But we have been far behind internally. Today, there is so much stress in our lives that now this mental stress is affecting our mind and body as well. Due to this mental stress, we have started getting physical and mental illnesses. How to get out of this tension. 

It can be done only by meditation. After meditation, we feel very good and refreshed with body and mind. Constant practice of meditation also increases the natural immunity of the body. Due to which we slowly become physically and mentally healthy and fit.

What is meditation?

Meditation is not a name for sitting down with eyes closed. Neither to sit in any easy position. Meditation is always the name of living in its original nature. And our basic nature is to always be happy without any external reason. We do not need any external reason to be happy.

 You see a child, is always happy without any external reason. Nature has given us this nature. But as we grow older, we keep losing our original nature. The reason for all the problems we are facing in the world today is one.

How to Meditate Properly at Home for Beginners in English
How to Meditate

If you think that you sat in an easy or posture for a few minutes and meditated, then it is wrong. After meditating for a few minutes, we will have to go to the same stressful life. The effect of this meditation which we do for a few minutes ends after some time. 

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 And back we are like that. Therefore you have to meditate every second. You have to be happy and happy every moment. And have to get used to it constantly. Only then will we be able to truly meditate.

How to meditate:-

 I have had my own experience of meditation for 15 years. Therefore, whatever I tell and I will tell based on my experience. By the way, we can do meditation anytime anywhere, yet the time of the morning is good for meditation.

To meditate, take all your attention to your nose as soon as you wake up in the morning. Now feel the swish coming from your nose. Feel that your nostril is getting more swish than that. To know this, you move the big finger of your hand in front of your nose. And feel from which nostril of the nose is coming.

After doing this, you will feel that the breath coming from the nose is cold and the breath coming out of the nose is hot. In this case, it is okay to sit with you for as long as possible. Do this process again the next day. Gradually increase the time. Do not rush in increasing the time of meditation. 

In this way make meditation a part of your life. And take the essence of meditation in your life. If you remove the essence of meditation from your life, then you will not have to sit in any posture or posture to meditate.

Meditation Benefits: –

1. Your energy level is good.

2. Aura is strong.

3. Your body’s natural immunity increases.

4. You feel good mentally.

5. Stress is reduced.

6. Memory power is good.

7. Your focusing power increases.

8. Longer sitting power increases.

9. It takes the mind to work.

10. Your relationships with others are good.


How do you teach yourself to meditate?

Initially, if you are starting meditation then, first of all, you have to do prepare yourself to sit live comfortably on open please for near about 20 minutes to 30 minutes then day by day you have to increase that time and in between try to control your breath and after 7-8 days, you have to focus on your attention and just try to focus on one point.

How long Should meditate when you just started meditation?

Well initially if you are a beginner or you just started meditation then it is suggested by the experts that you have to meditate for 3 to 5 minutes and by the time you can increase that time.

Why is early morning’s time is the Best time to meditate?

According to Hindu mythology, the early morning time period is called the ‘Bhrama Muhurat’ and it is said that at that period of time the Earth and the Sun are 60 degrees and if you sit and married at that time so you will get the maximum results.

Final words for How to Meditate:-

In this particular article, we discussed how to meditate properly at home for beginners and apart from that we also discuss the 10 amazing benefits and in between that we told you about what is meditation.
We hope that you like this article and thanks for sparing your precious time to read this article.

We hope you like this article. How to Meditate Properly at Home for Beginners How to Meditate Properly at Home for Beginners

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