Method of Purifying and Charging Crystals with 3 important reasons

why we need to purify crystals:-

1. To take full benefit of the crystal, we must purify the crystal.

2. To increase the energy level of the crystal.

3. To fully connect with the crystal.

Method of Purifying and Charging Crystals:- 

To take full benefits of crystal, the crystal should be purified. Today we will talk about the Method of Purifying and Charging Crystals.

Whenever you take a crystal, examine it carefully and carefully. Because oftentimes, glass is also found in place of crystals. The crystal is generally not transparent. It is cloudy inside the crystal. 

Method of Purifying and Charging Crystals

Second, the crystals can also be tested by sensing the energy of the crystal, the crystal should be brought and kept in salt water for 24 hours. Then keep it under running water for 5 minutes. Then clean this crystal with a cloth and keep it in front of you. Burn the Incense stick and rotate anti-clockwise around the crystal. When we rotate anti-clockwise, the crystal becomes pure. 

Method of Purifying and Charging Crystals

Rotating clockwise Incense stick causes the crystal to charge. This clockwise and anti-noise wise should be rotated at least 7 times and a maximum of 108 times. Then purify the crystal with Reiki symbol 1 and charge the crystal with symbol 1. Then perform Reiki for 15 minutes. In this way, the crystal is completely purified and charged. By this method, you can purify and charge one or more crystals at the same time.

Method of Purifying and Charging Crystals

Note: Before purifying and charging the crystal, do not forget to purify and charge yourself. Keep in mind the Reiki rules as well. If a person does not know Reiki, he can also purify and charge the crystal by this method. Do not reiki all that and do not use Reiki symbols. Use only the portion of the incense sticks to charge and purify the crystal. Discard the Reiki part.

Method of Purifying and Charging Crystals

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FAQ Related To Method of Purifying and Charging Crystals with 3 important reasons

What is Crystal Good for meditation?

We talked about which crystal is good for meditation then clear quartz is a crystal which is good for meditation and with the help of that we can control or chakras and concentrate our energy to the energy center of the body.

What does meditating with rose quartz do?

Meditation is all about vibrations and this high vibration can be generated from Rose quartz which is beneficial not only to yourself but also to the planet and this statement is given by a very well known person his name is birds basically this quartz crystal enables you to reach the place where you can see a state of mine where you can feel the real bliss.

What are crystals used for?

Which city is the main idea behind putting this crystal on your body while doing the meditation is which can promote the hole physical emotional and spiritual healing of a body that can heal your soul as well and as we already discussed that there are some crystals which are having extraordinary leave power to generate such vibrations which give you peace of mind?

Final Words For Method of Purifying and charging crystals

In this article method of Purifying and Charging Crystals with 3 important reasons, we talked about the importance of purifying and charging crystals we also learned today with the help of this article that crystals are so so much energetic thing which has the ability to uh gives you peace of mind and in this article, we also discuss the method of purifying and charge interesting and we focused on some important parts and important Reasons.

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